Jessie is an Australian registered midwife, who now lives in Singapore with her husband and 2 boys. Jessie teaches our prenatal classes, First aid classes for parents and helpers and attends midwife postnatal home visits. Jessie and Natasha are also registered birth doula’s in Singapore as well as being midwives, so they are familiar with the birthing process in Singapore hospitals and the practice.
Let’s get to know Jessie more…
Name: Jessie Mills
Role at BB: Midwife and First Aid instructor
Star sign: Sagittarius
What country are you from? Australia
How many children do you have? 2 crazy boys
What type of birth did you have with your children (ie. vaginal/ caesarean/ forceps): I was induced with both boys at 41 + 3 and progressed to normal vaginal births.
What is your most vivid memory of your birth? The profound physical and mental relief I felt in the moments after giving birth, oh and discovering I had gorgeous boys!!
What is one piece of advice you would give to new parents?
-Get out and about, meet with other new parents, they truly are your greatest support!
-Just take each day as it comes.
-Hold you baby close, the newborn phase is so precious, try to enjoy it.
Your favourite thing about having children? The unconditional love you feel and watching your partner with them, is awesome!!