A Midwife Check-in and Mothers Support Group
The early days and weeks with a baby can be tough for any new mum and it can leave you with a lot of questions: Am I feeding enough? How is my baby’s growth? My baby is crying a lot! Is something wrong? I’m feeling a bit down, is that okay? Motherhood is amazing, but it’s also exhausting, scary and hard sometimes.
Topics we can help with:
- Breastfeeding
- Infant feeding and nutrition
- Growth and early child development
- Safety
- Community support
- Adjustment to parenthood
- Parenting and attachment
Our Coffee Morning with the Midwife is a great way to check-in with our midwives/health visitors and allows you to talk about newborn care and any issues you may be having from 0-6 months. In addition to getting our midwives support, you will also be able to meet other mums for a casual support group – because new mums need just as much support as babies do! And if there’s any issue our midwives feel you need further support on, then we’ll refer you directly to one of our trusted partners/providers.

Our upcoming Coffee Mornings schedule
Our HypnoBirthing course is led by Maude from Bliss in Birth. For more information about her, please see her website: www.blissinbirth.com
The fees include the 5 weeks of teaching, as well as the textbook “HypnoBirthing, The Mongan Method”, a handbook with hypnosis scripts, audios to practice self-hypnosis.
We would recommend of expectant parents to start the course between 20 and 30 weeks pregnant.
If you find yourself uncertain about how to prepare for this significant event or feeling a bit overwhelmed, this course is designed to guide you through the process.