While some mums and babies take to breastfeeding like ducks to water, many are not so lucky. As a new mum, there are a whole host of issues you can experience while you and your baby are learning to breastfeed:
If you are finding your breastfeeding journey is off to a tricky start, please reach out, and one of our Midwife Lactation Specialists will visit you at home as soon as they have availability.
There will be lactation consultants at the hospital who will be able to assist you throughout your stay. We offer midwife-supported home visits for the first 4 weeks. If you need more support to overcome your breastfeeding challenges, then we will arrange for our lactation specialist to visit you at your place. Our team typically schedules a visit within 24 hours of inquiry and we will do our best to see you in the first 7 days upon discharge.
In the UK and Australia, midwives will typically visit you at home during the first few days with a newborn and help you resolve common breastfeeding issues. If they cannot provide the support needed, they will likely refer you to a few different lactation specialists:
In addition to discussing the common problems most mums experience with breastfeeding, she will also help you with:
Breastfeeding provides important antibodies and nutrients and is the perfect first food for your baby. It is recommended that mums try and breastfeed their babies for the first year of life for optimal health benefits. But ANY breastfeeding is better than no breastfeeding! We encourage mums to breastfeed, but will of course support mums who also supplement with formula.
Breast milk contains immunity-boosting antibodies and healthy enzymes to help support your baby’s rapid development!
Benefits for your baby:
Benefits for you:
Sources: La Leche League and American Academy of Pediatrics
Founded in London in 2012, Beloved Bumps has opened in Singapore to provide women with Pre and Postnatal classes that are interactive, unbiased and sociable.