Effective date: July 26, 2018
Reviewed: July 1, 2024
BELOVED BUMPS PTE. LTD. (“us”, “we”, or “our”) provides educational classes and sessions to provide general pre and postnatal information (the “Service”).
All Beloved Bump Antenatal / Prenatal classes, Newborn classes and Postnatal Home Visits are taught by trained and certified midwives and doulas. Beloved Bumps only provides general educational advice about pregnancy, childbirth and infant care. Advice on an individual’s current pregnancy and wellbeing cannot be given under any circumstances and it is the client’s responsible to take queries about their own personal health, pregnancy and child to their general practitioner, Obstetrician or other appropriate health professional.
All training and advice given by Beloved Bumps is done by current guidelines. Information given by Beloved Bumps is up to date, evidence based and to the best of our knowledge. Beloved Bumps is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made or actions taken by a user based on this information. Beloved Bumps cannot accept any responsibility for misinterpretation of the advice given. Beloved Bumps always advises parents or caregivers to seek medical advice immediately if they are concerned about the health and/or safety of their child. The information provided on the website or through any documentation provided is for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice given by an appropriate health professional.
Beloved Bumps partners with a number of separate businesses and professionals in Singapore who provide a range of prenatal and postnatal services. Beloved Bumps does not validate or confirm our partner’s qualifications or background. Any qualifications Beloved Bumps shares on our website has been provided and confirmed by the specific partner.
All Beloved Bumps classes and Home Visits are designed to be up to date and factually correct at the time of teaching and represent the current accepted professional standards with regard to general pre and postnatal advice.
Beloved Bumps services are intended to supplement the information, guidance and general instruction given to you by your medical professional. All information provided is for general information purposes only and should not under any circumstances be interpreted as being individual medical guidance or instruction.
The cost of Beloved Bumps classes includes all materials supplied during the session. Beloved Bumps is the copyright owner of all class materials with the exception of materials published by third parties. Beloved Bumps copyright materials may only be used by the persons attending the class for their personal use.
Beloved Bumps is not responsible for any loss, damage or injury to any person or property resulting from attendance at one of our pre or postnatal classes. You are advised to take care of all personal property and possessions.
If you, or your partner, feel ill whilst attending a Beloved Bumps class, you should immediately seek the advice of your obstetrician, general practitioner or other appropriate health professional.
Please be advised that we require a minimum number of participants to run our courses/classes. If we do not have enough participants, Beloved Bumps reserves the right to cancel any course/class. A full refund will be given if the course/class is cancelled. Please note that no refund will be given for any dates that you cannot attend on the course.
You may cancel your antenatal class booking at any time by contacting us through email or phone. We will acknowledge receipt of your cancellation by email or phone within 5 working days of receipt.
Beloved Bumps offers a Happiness Guarantee for Antenatal / Prenatal and Refresher classes. Please see more detail here.
Missed class: If you are unable to attend a class within your course, Beloved Bumps will try to fit you into another class of the same week, according to availability of other groups. If there is no availability in another class, the class will be missed. There is no refund given for missed classes.
Beloved Bumps offers a Happiness Guarantee for Private Antenatal / Prenatal classes. Please see more detail here.
IMPORTANT: Given that our clients are a vulnerable group (eg, pregnant women and children), Beloved Bumps reserves the right to go to virtual teaching and learning at any point. While Beloved Bumps will always adhere to Singapore law and recommendations during times of crisis, we believe it’s important to err on the side of caution for the protection of our clients.
Beloved Bumps offers a Happiness Guarantee for their Postnatal Home Visits. Please see more detail here.
Please check with our partners directly about their own cancellation and refund policies. Beloved Bumps is not responsible in any way for refunds for partner classes, even if Beloved Bumps is the company/entity that collects payments for a class.
Rescheduling Options:
One-Time Rescheduling:
Rescheduling to Next Group:
Under extraordinary circumstances, we may need to cancel your booking. If this happens, we will always try to offer you a appropriate alternative. If you choose not to accept the alternative, we will of course offer you a full refund.
If you attend or participate in any service with one of our partners, please know that you are subject to their own specific Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Beloved Bumps makes referrals in good faith and is not liable for the services our partners provide. In addition, we do not guarantee their success or outcome in any way. Please find more details at our partner’s websites or contact them directly if you need more information.
Beloved Bumps respects your right to privacy and will protect the information you provide as part of your application to attend any of our classes. We will not share your information with 3rd parties. Beloved Bumps will protect your data from misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure and alteration to the best of its ability.
Please see our full Privacy Policy here
During the course, a photographer and/or videographer may be present to take photos of the class for promotional material. If you have any objection to this, please inform us at info@belovedbumps.sg so that we can make sure you are not included in the images and/or video that may appear on the website or other marketing material. We will also confirm this on the day if the photographer and/or videographer is present.
Founded in London in 2012, Beloved Bumps has opened in Singapore to provide women with Pre and Postnatal classes that are interactive, unbiased and sociable.