Are you pregnant and asking yourself, “Do I need to go to antenatal classes in Singapore?” or “Are antenatal / prenatal classes necessary?” The answer is: There are MANY benefits to taking a prenatal class – especially when you are pregnant with your first baby! The two main benefits of prenatal classes are (1) the education and (2) the support/social aspect.
What do you learn in prenatal classes?
Prenatal classes are designed to give you information on your pregnancy, such as what changes you can expect when you are in different trimesters, and how to cope with mild ailments, aches and pains. They also prepare you for childbirth itself by giving you information about what to expect during labour and options that are available to you. All of this information helps you and your partner make informed decisions throughout the delivery process.
Childbirth can be different from person to person. If this is your first pregnancy, you will have never experienced labour before, and so it is very hard to prepare for – prenatal classes give you an insight on what to expect during childbirth, when to go to hospital in labour, what pain relief is available, as well as information on complications, and what the difference is between a caesarean birth and natural birth.
From there, you will be able to create a birth plan or what we like to call a ‘birth intention’ – because remembers that plans can often change. There are many different things that can happen during childbirth and your birth plan is just the intention for how you would like it to go. Most of the time a plan can largely be followed, but sometimes it may need to be adjusted here and there, so it’s best to keep an open mind.
If this is your second or third pregnancy, prenatal classes are still a great way to prepare for birth since childbirth is not only different from person to person but from baby to baby! You will learn about the aches and pains that typically occur during a second pregnancy, false labours, length of active labour, coping mechanisms, pain after birth and about things like VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) if you had a C-section with your first child.
Antenatal / Prenatal Topics
- Normal Labour and Birth
- Birth anatomy
- Stages of labour
- Birthing positions
- Positions of the baby
- Immediately after birth
- Pain Relief
- Breathing
- Tens
- Gas and air
- Water births
- Pethidine/ Diamorphine
- Epidural
- Complications
- Induction of labour
- Instrumental deliveries
- Episiotomy
- Caesarean section
- Breech Position
- Emergency situations
- The Postnatal Period
- What you’ll need
- Physical changes & recovery
- Baby blues and postnatal depression
- Changes for Dad
- Menstruation and sex after birth
- The 4th Trimester
- Soothing a newborn
- Poop
- Cot Death / SIDS
- Newborn care
- Breastfeeding
- Anatomy & physiology
- Breastmilk vs. formula
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- Getting off to a good start
- Feeding cues & positions
- Latching
- Breastfeeding complications
- Bottle feeding
- Bottle feeding complications
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The importance of prenatal class includes the social benefits!
Having a baby is hard! There will be times when you feel alone, or that you can’t do it, and worry that you are being a terrible parent. That is not only expected, it’s normal!
One of the biggest benefits of prenatal classes is the social aspect and support you receive. Having a network of women who are going through the same thing as you at the same time can make a world of difference. With that said, everything can change from month to month – eating, sleeping, diapers, etc. That’s why it’s a blessing to have mums with babies around the same age.
Beloved Bumps’ Prenatal Classes were designed to group women with similar due dates together and to also be interactive. That way you learn about childbirth while bonding with other participants during your prenatal class. In addition to the teaching, our class includes a…
- Ladies Lunch at a delicious five-star restaurant
- Postnatal Reunion after all the babies are born
Class WhatsApp Group to help you keep in touch postnatally and to act as a small forum for questions and concerns
Finally, Beloved Bumps has a baby playgroup (0-6 months) to help you meet new mums in Singapore. The first six months of motherhood are tough, getting out of the house for a chat or coffee can save your sanity! Whether you’re an expat mum or a Singaporean, Beloved Bumps wants to help you connect with other mums.
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