If you have just found out you are pregnant, or you are pregnant and have just arrived in Singapore, you may be wondering what on earth you do next! Singapore is a bit different to some other countries that expats are from, in that it is all medically led and there is no midwife led pregnancy. So how do you know which obstetrician to choose? Or which hospital to go to?
- Pee on a stick – So the first thing you need to do if you think you are pregnant is to buy a pregnancy kit and check that it is positive! Most women tend to do 2 or 3 so double and triple check, as its often quite unbelievable at first!
- Wait – you can check the pregnancy out at 6-8 weeks if you want to – the obstetrician can do an early pregnancy scan, however if you have had no bleeding, then its best to wait until at least 8 weeks before doing anything. This will feel like the longest weeks ever! Remember when you find out you are pregnant you will already be about 4 weeks
- Choose a Doctor – Doctors who specialise in pregnancy are called obstetricians. You may know a few from friends recommendations, but make sure they are a right fit for you – you also need to consider what kind of birth you are aiming for (natural or caesarean, or not bothered) as different Doctors are better known for one type of birth than another. If you would like some suggestions of Obstetricians who are pro natural, please get in contact with us for a free consultation with our midwives to discuss Doctors and Hospital choices. Please remember that you can change obstetrician at any point until the birth, so if you start to wonder whether your Doctor is actually more medicalised than you thought and you were hoping for a water birth, then shop around for another obstetrician and change! It is very important that your Doctor is on board with your birth plan.
- Choose a hospital – The doctor you choose will work in certain hospitals, so they will let you know which these are and if you have a choice you can then view them to choose which you prefer. Most hospitals are much the same, but you may want to ask about facilities such as water pools, birthing stools etc. Again, we can discuss this with you at the consultation according to what kind of birth you want.
- Think about Antenatal classes – antenatal classes (otherwise known as prenatal classes, childbirth classes) can be a great way to prepare you for what to expect during your labour, birth and how to care for your baby – however in Singapore they are even more important to help you build your support network of friends with babies the same age. Most people know someone who has had a baby, however if they aren’t the same age you will be going through different things at different times. Antenatal classes will help prepare you with information as well as introducing you to other couples with kids the same age! We normally say they will be your friends for life as you go through the same hard times as each other and those form very strong bonds!
In Singapore you have 2 options for hospitals – you can either go public or private. Couples who choose the public often may not have insurance, or may not have much of a birth covered. The public hospitals here are excellent, but the main complaint is the waiting times. The private hospitals have sometimes been likened to a hotel! Especially when choosing the option of having a champagne tea party after birth!
Once you have all this set up, you will then attend regular appointments with your obstetrician until the birth. There are a lot more scans, tests and appointments in Singapore than elsewhere, but some Doctors are great at telling you what you do and don’t need.
So, if you still want to know more about where to go, who to see, what to not eat, and general pregnancy information, please contact us as we would be more than happy to have a chat with you! As midwives we would normally be your first appointment in other countries, so we are more than happy to explain this to you. You can email us on info@belovedbumps.sg